Member-only story
Week 8 of my Apprenticeship.
What I’m Learning. At Work…
Always take the meeting.
As you may have read, I am going to be moving to NYC next week. This is a result of my taking the meeting even when I was not really looking to make a job change.
I met a fellow through the Praxis community, he asked if I was looking for a job in NYC, I said no, but let’s talk. That’s ultimately how this all came about. So, my advice to you is open to opportunities and having conversations. It has served me well so far.
Because of my openness to having a conversation, I will be able to check one of my goals for the year off my list only 2 months into the year.
Because I’m pretty busy trying to get things tied up and ready for my move, that’s all I’m going to write in this section.
What I’m Learning. In Life…
Cherish every moment with the special people in your life.
As I’m getting ready to move, my sense of nostalgia is kicking in. As a result, I’m having a hard time speaking with anyone because I know that there is a good chance I won’t see them for a long time. Some of them I may never see again.