Reflecting on 2022

Silas Mähner
16 min readDec 21, 2022

At the start of 2022, I set out a number of public goals. In today’s post, I’m going to look at how I performed against those goals, reflect generally on my accomplishments, and summarize some of the things I’ve learned this year.

Performance vs Goals:

‘1. Launch the MVP of my Accelerator
No. I did not achieve this goal. I did launch the website going into Jan/Feb last year. However, I never really had the follow-up to actually get a pseudo consultancy going. I just never ended up making time to seek customers. I thought it would come up in the course of my day-to-day work that I’d be able to acquire some clients but never ended up doing so. As it turns out, this is something that requires quite a lot of attention and mental effort that I just don’t think I had the capacity for.
I ended up essentially scrapping this at least in it’s current format. I love the name ErthTechLabs but it won’t continue in the manner I was thinking. Will see how/when this project gets revived.

2. Publish 36 episodes of the CleanTechies Podcast
I published 57/58 episodes (depending on how many more I post this year) of the show. So well exceeded that target. And I think a lot of these were really good quality. I refined my production process to make it a lot more straightforward and closer to the quality of a professional podcaster.

3. Generate $2k MRR from CleanTechies Podcast by end of year
This was a miserable fail. I didn’t…



Silas Mähner

ClimateTech Headhunter | Host - The CleanTechies Podcast | Amateur Futballer | Pizza Reviewer | Promoter of Catholics in Business