If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it's that speaking out about your goals helps you to get closer to them. This is not due to some new age ideology of making a deal with the universe. It’s due to the fact that our subconscious is a goal-seeking entity. Whatever we tell it to target, it will move towards.
I’ve personally seen the immense power of this in my short twenty-one years on this planet and I certainly plan to continue using that power of the human mind to my advantage. So, without further ado here are my 2021 goals and some of the reasoning behind them.
#1. Hit $400k in total billings at my firm
This goal is not some number I pulled out of thin air. This is the target my boss would love to see me hit because it is totally possible, and because I’d be the youngest person in the history of our firm to do so. Hitting this target would also almost guarantee that I am promoted to Principal Consultant by the end of the year. Making Principal will ensure the feasibility of me to accomplish the next goals I have within the company (confidential at this time, sorry guys).
To accomplish this I will need to board $33,350 per month (1 large deal or two smaller deals). I will also need to truly master the interview process and stay on top of my KPIs namely 4–5 first interviews per week.