“A dream is a wish you make on your own.” ~Demi Lovato
I just heard these words this morning when Demi Lovato’s song, “Gift of a Friend” came on. It really struck me, even tho I have heard this song many times before I never really heard these words. After hearing these words I decided I would write a short bit reflecting on human relations and dreams.
My thought was that after hearing this, that is exactly true, but if we try alone we will almost always fail. Our dream is what drives us, and if it is a big enough dream it will captivate others as well, thus giving them a dream to buy into, and thus fueling the dream into a success.
I don’t know exactly why this is so important to me, but maybe it is because I have many dreams, many ideas that I hope one day will be turned into reality. I am trying to make one of them happen right now, but if I try alone it will surely fail. I need to really formalize my dream so others will want to be part of it and then it will keep growing until it is a reality. If my company grows I will have to learn how to really make people realize that they are part of a team, and realize that they are essential to the success of the company. Maybe it is because I feel alone sometimes, and I know that the point of the song is that we all need a friend.
It goes deeper than each of us individually needing a friend. It speaks to the human race, we have become a generation of people who see ourselves against the world. Maybe it is because of the way the Boomers made everything about the bottom line, because of that we are so used to the numbers being valued more than the people working for that company.
I guess the point of this is to just ask people to be kind to the other people around you, smile at them, don’t assume the worst, because deep down we are all good, and all want to be loved. So why don’t we just get along. If we stop making division between us in every way we can, we could go a lot further as a society, and accomplish so many great things. Ultimately we have to remember that we are all humans and we need human friendships and interaction, without it we become like zombies or robots.